quinta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2010

A Jornada do Homem na Terra

O objetivo deste Blog é proclamar a Grandeza, Beleza e Sabedoria de Deus.


“Senhor, desculpe-me pela ousadia de estender as mãos em direção ao Teu Santuário.”

Jesus disse que de agora em diante não somos apenas discípulos, mas irmãos. Ainda não podemos comer de todo alimento. Porém, já muitas coisas começaram a ser reveladas.


Cada um de nós evolui de Adão a Jesus.

O primeiro nasce neste mundo atravessando a porta do santuário. Vindo do paraíso de Deus como o filho pródigo que abandona sua casa.

O segundo é o filho pródigo que retorna.

Porém, após muito sofrimento, e arrependimento, encontra aberta a porta do Santuário que se encontrava fechada e vigiada pelo anjo do Senhor.

A imperfeição de Adão contrasta-se com a perfeição de Jesus.


A doutrina da reencarnação, não prevê este retorno ao pai pelo arrependimento e o chamado de volta por Deus nosso criador; mas um evoluir contínuo. Qual é a implicação desta doutrina na fé cristã?

E a questão dos OVNIS como pode estar inserida neste contexto?


“Derrubai este Templo que em três dias Eu O reconstruirei.”

“À entrada do templo foram construídas duas colunas: uma à direita, chamada Booz e, outra, à esquerda, chamada Jachin, que significam força e beleza. Em cima das colunas foram construídos dois capteis na forma de cestas com romãs”.

Romãs representam a fertilidade da mulher.

O templo trás uma grande semelhança ao corpo da mulher: as duas colunas representam as trompas de falópio e os capitéis com romãs representam o ovário com óvulos de onde saem um óvulo por mês para ser fecundado e dar a origem à vida.

As duas trompas podem significar também os dois rios que correm do paraíso para o ocidente: o Tigre e o Eufrates.

Atravessar as portas do Santuário é adentrar na presença do Senhor. Um dia o homem foi expulso da presença do senhor. Foi para além da foz dos rios Tigres e Eufrates. Cada um de nós repete esta jornada ao nascermos neste mundo.

Todo o procedimento é sagrado, isto é, concebido por Nosso Senhor Deus.

Trata-se de uma alegoria ou significa muito mais que uma alegoria?

Vejamos como se deu a expulsão do homem do paraíso:

“Então o homem pecou contra Deus, ao tomar e comer do fruto da Árvore do Conhecimento, e foi expulso de Sua Presença. Um anjo foi colocado à porta do paraíso e Deus lhe disse: Vigiai para que aqui eles não possam mais adentrar. Pois, se isto acontecer, sucederá que, uma vez que tomaram e comeram do fruto da Árvore do Conhecimento do Bem e do Mal e tornaram-se Deuses iguais a nós, em aqui adentrando, tomem e comam também do Fruto da Árvore da Vida e tenham a Vida Eterna”.

Portanto, somos Deuses conforme dito nesta passagem bíblica. Porém, não temos a vida eterna. O pecado do homem foi a desobediência. Só isto? Parece muito pouco para merecer a Morte Eterna!

Vejamos como se deu a desobediência do homem:

Esta é simbolizada pelo ato de comer o fruto da Arvore do Conhecimento do Bem e do Mal. Fruto este que nos abriu os olhos para o conhecimento de nós mesmos e do universo, a obra da criação de Deus.

Uma simples alegoria? Vejamos alegoria semelhante que se dá no budismo:

“Estando, pois, Sidarta Gautama sentado á sombra da Árvore do Conhecimento, abriu-se-lhe a mente e pode compreender todo o mistério do universo e tornou-se um iluminado, aquele que tem o conhecimento de todas as coisas. Tornou-se um Deus.”

Porém, adquiriu ele o poder de ter a Vida Eterna?

Jesus é o templo do Senhor por ser o homem perfeito reconstruído em três dias após ser derrubado. É também o Sumo-Sacerdote deste templo perfeito segundo a ordem de Melquisedeck.

Ou seja, é aquele que representa o Homem perante Deus.

Vamos tentar nos aprofundar no conhecimento de Deus, trazido pela Bíblia.

O Verdadeiro Conhecimento se dá apenas pela Revelação Divina. Temos, portanto, a humildade de especular, baseados na razão que Deus nos deu, sobre o mistério da nossa existência.

Fincamos a nossa âncora em Jesus Cristo, porque estamos pisando em solo sagrado.

And God told to the angel: Do not let them come back here for once they have eaten the fruit of knowledge… ” But Jesus Christ meant: “You were supposed to know all those things, but you are not prepared for eating solid food yet. You are just like children that are supposed to drink only milk…” And now, through Jesus Christ, we are allowed to know everything of God’s marvelous plan of creation. (I have the above phrases written by heart) I think that both are true: creationism and evolutionism. God created the world just as it is. It is not a static world but it changes all the time. The human being changes too. Jesus Christ said: “You are not prepared for eating solid food yet. You are just like children that are supposed to drink only milk…” It means that we are changing, and growing in intelligence. It is evident that the Bible speaks of a changing world when it deals with the final times. It will not happen all at a sudden, but it will happen progressively. Why not the beginning of the world and the beginning of the human being which happened progressively? Speaking of the final times one thing science and religion agree: the world is coming to an end. Will it happens when the next meteor hits the earth or in the next million of years? Jesus Christ said: “The day and the hour no one knows, only God knows”. Speaking of period of time: we must not interpret the six days of creation as it is six days of our time reference. Since the time is relative, according to Einstein.


Speaking of period of time: we must not interpret the six days of creation as it is six days of our time reference. Since the time is relative, according to Einstein theory (which is, probably, a temporary theory), why not is God speaking about his own time (called Kairos). Evolutionism says that we came from the dust of the earth. So, that is what the Bible says too. One more important thing: was not the idea of God also a result of evolutionism? Even those that don’t believe in God must accept that believing in God or not is also ideas produced by the evolutionism (according to our reason). Are not these ideas useful for the surviving of the human being? According to the evolution theory those ideas are good for our surviving, because we know that we are led by our ideas, so ideas are part of our adaptation process. One more argument : Evolution leads the humanity to an increasing knowledge of the universe. Apostle Paul said that he was taken to the third heaven. The later theory of the universe also speaks of several dimensions and parallel universes. Jesus said that he will be at the highest heaven, waiting for us. Or God is at the end of our journey, or other beings in the universe, or we alone will be there for good or for bad. I believe that God is our final meeting. And believing comes from intuition and intuition comes also from evolution in the same way as reason, which comes along with intuition, complementing each other (science and faith complements each other).

...believing comes from intuition and intuition comes from evolution in the same way as reason, which comes along with intuition, complementing each other (science and faith complement each other). I think that human science is God’s too. In spite of our sin and our madness, according to the Bible, are not the scriptures speaking to our human minds? We were gods condemned to eternal death, and our science was condenned too. But now, we are gods called to share God´s Kingdom through Jesus Christ, and also our science, which is God’s science. And the entire creation is eargerly waiting for God´s mercy.

And a prince went out of his palace to learn about human suffering. After many years of observation, suffering and meditation, finally he sat down on the ground, under a fig tree, and had a great vision: the true about life and the universe. God didn’t help him because he didn’t ask God for help. He reached the true and the paradise on his own. He had conquered the paradise and now he was taken out of the wheel of life. “And God told to the angel: Do not let them come back here for, once they have eaten the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, do not succeed that they may eat the Fruit of the Tree of Life and have Eternal Life.” Are those stories mythologies? Mythologies that have led the humanity since a long time ago. What is the argument of evolutionism on this topic? Does not the evolutionism produce mythology? If it does (and it does), mythology has an explainable and very scientific purpose. So is the Bible mythology? What is mythology indeed? If we are trying to explain God we must also explain the meaning of this word.

...What is mythology indeed? If we are trying to explain God we must also explain the meaning of this word. I think that searching for God is searching for the understanding of the human being. The line of thought based on cause and effect, considering the physical concept of the universe, is just one of many approaches. For example, we have the philosophical approach conceived by Descartes: “That he existed because he thought”. In this line of thought who, nowadays, has a clear idea of our existence? So, how to search for God if, philosophically speaking, we don’t know even that we exist? That is madness! Someone says. Yes, we are at the edge of madness, just as many scientists and philosophers where in the past and are in the present time. How about a more comfortable aproach? Like this: “Come to me and your load will be light and my rule will be tender”, said Jesus.

Let’s continue struggling against God using our sword of reason, hoping that God may forgive us in the same way He forgave Jacob who fought against Him and was given the name of Israel. Life on Earth came from primordial syntheses of amino acids. So, from matter came living beings. Science doesn’t have a clear idea of what living beings really are. Surely there are many definitions of such organisms. One of those we can try is that living beings are organized chemical structures that have some functions as motion through the processing of energy and are able to reproduce themselves. Moreover, they behave according to certain logical system. As we state such definition we are introducing here the concept of logic. That logic that appears in nature has led many to guess that it is God’s. Others, that don’t believe in God, are more comfortable to saying that this logic, which organizes the structure of living beings (and also the structure of matter, and the entire universe), would be seeing as the conformity of our reason with the real world, accepted by many scholar people and according to empirical experiences (when they can be applied). Furthermore, believers and non-believers can state that logic is also conformity of our reason with nature that gives us certain satisfaction (through the liberation of endorphin by our brain). Anyway, that logic found in nature has led part of humanity to guess that it came from a mighty living being, which has the knowledge of everythig.

.. knowledge of everything. In my opinion, that was what Apostle Paul was referring about when he addressed to the people of Athens about the unknown God. Here, when we mention Apostle Paul, we have an example of the modernity of the Bible and its teaching, considering that one can just replace the description of the world done by Paul by its latest scientific descriptions. The struggle of our reason against God, according to my interpretation, is the motive why God expelled us out of Heaven. What is the most precious good of God? Knowledge! Knowledge maybe God Himself. Knowledge is “materialized” through the Word of God, which is His Spirit. In this line of thought, we can see that Heaven and God’s paradise are not here in this world, but a place where only spirits dwell. Since Jesus Christ called us to come back to our Father’s home, and we know through Him that it can be only in spirit (Flesh will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven), it won’t be in this planet (at least as it is in the present time). Now, can science give us a better idea of what Heaven really is? If we think the Universe as a cosmic computer (see the theory), or a huge brain, operated by God, or it is God’s Brain which is God Himself, it is easy to understand how matter and energy interact as well our body and spirit. Now, one may guess: understanding God is salvation? Can our reason commanded by our sinful nature enter God’s home? According to Jesus Christ we must be freed of this nature.

..Can our reason commanded by our sinful nature enter God’s home? According to Jesus Christ, it is impossible! We need to be freed of this nature and get a new nature like His Holly Nature. Notice: Here we have a big problem which could be pointed out by the believers: In the previous comment I mixed God, our Creator, with the World, which is God’s Creation. But, I am here following a natural (evolutionary) approach. What I intend to show in all of my comments is: Atheists, who accept the evolutionism, must agree that religion and all subjective thoughts of human beings belong to the cultural evolution. So in this sense, they must think of God as having real existence, considering that ideas are as real as the material world.

Let’s explain this concept about ideas being as real as the material world: Jesus Christ also said to the Jewish leaders: My father said “You are gods”. So we can create things, that is, we can bring into existence things that didn’t exist. Is not all human being’s creation included in this context? So, ideas, dreams, become true. They are true when they are only ideas, before put into the real world. So, they are real as we stated above. Let’s talk about internet: A huge worldwide grid of computers, that is, a huge technological brain (we believers, may guess that it is what Apostle John was talking about when he mentioned the beast). Doesn’t it fit perfectly in the Theory of Cosmic Computer, which many scientists are mathematically exploring? The Universe seeing as a cosmic computer, that is, a huge brain! The Bible called us gods, in several occasions... Here I believe that we have presented several reasons for the unbelievers to turn back to the Holy Scriptures and explore it in their sincere search for the true. At least under their viewpoint that the Bible was created by the human being in his evolutionary journey on Earth.


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